Stone Cali-Belgique IPA

 There's a description on the back of the bottle that explains what the hell Cali-Belgique means. Neat, right? Yeah. So, anyway, wow. This stuff is good. I drank it after the BSP Quad so the 6.9% didn't really rip through, but that could be different if I wasn't alread primed.

I loved the way this one hits. The finishing flavor is that of fresh hops. I thought it was familiar, made a guess and I was right - Chinook hops (FACT CHECK ME HERE). I only knew this because it's one of the varieties I have growing on the side of my house and when the first ones popped through I crushed and smelled them non-stop, but damn I felt smart when I could pick that out.

The bottle on this one is styling as well. That gargoyle is one badass looking dude. And he's just sitting there like "Oh, hey. Me? I'm just a gargoyle. enjoying a mug of brew. Watching from the corner of old buildings."

Beer Advocate rating: A-


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