Rinkuškiu Alaus Darykla Werewolf ( Yeah, Werewolf.)

If you know me, you know that I occasionally like things that are over the top. Not because I think it's classy or attractive or cool or even right, but because I just do. It's not necessarily funny, it just makes me laugh on the inside. My other side is 'less is more'. I guess I'm pretty polar, that's a whole different discussion though.

Anyway, I saw this beer at the liquor store and was immediately drawn to it for obvious reasons, the freaking werewolfette on it. A couple days ago a young man working there told me it was terrible. I figured, hell, it's near all the Belgian stuff, and so maybe terrible isn't that bad. After all, beer lovers classify light domestics as terrible, so there was a chance this was going to be bad, but still drinkable. 
See the red type toward the bottom of the bottle? "You must be sure you wanna taste it". I'm curious as to what they mean by that. At this point I see it as a warning.  smells like....old candy? Old people's candy? Swedish fish? It tastes like...old candy? Old people's candy? Swedish fish? Old Swedish fish? Yeah. It was turbl. I drank half and poured the rest in the sink.

It sucked, but it still has a werewolfette on the front. A blonde chick that is turning into a werewolf. The interesting thing is that when she transformed, it started on half of her body, not a slow gradual change throughout. This particular strain of werewolf takes over half the body completely before moving onto the next half. It seems more painful than the werewolf that the people in the movies come down with . That's Hollywood for ya though, always glamorizing things and making them less real.

ABV: ?? Not sure.
Beer Advocate rating: C+

As a token of my appreciation for this company making such a fine brew I designed them a shirt:


Bleeder said...

I would say it's 8.2% according to that little red tag on it. I think that and the label are its only selling points...

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