Terrapin Hopsecutioner

For a grocery store, the Kroger by my house has a pretty good selection of beer sometimes. Case in point, friday night I visited the beer aisle not really looking for anything in particular. Stumbled across Terrapin Hopsecutioner. I've had this befoe, but once again I'm drawn to names and cool pictures. It's pretty good, very hoppy of course. As far as locals go, not as good as Sweetwater IPA (and really the draft IPA from the brewery, GOOD GOD MMMM), my litmus test for a good IPA. The art trumps just about every IPA I've seen to date:
Badass, no? This effort deserves a better look:

Let me narrate you through this label. That is a turtle. With a mess of hops in a guillotine. He's also holding some kind of garden tool it seems, and has a devious look. Then smoke/mist/fog coming out from wherever smoke comes from because it's always foggy when you get executed.

7.2% ABV
Beer Advocate Rating: B+

Side note: After drinking Hopsecutioner, I had this song from high school stuck in my head for a few hours. Not that I'm proud/ashamed, it's just an interesting fact.


Anonymous said...

Hopsecutioner lays the wood to Sweetwater IPA, IMO, and the 7.2% seals it.


steez said...

how's this for interactive...I just opened another one to really think about it. I don't have a Sweetwater to compare it to, but in the bottle, I'd say you're right. Still can't beat a brewery Sweetwater IPA though.

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